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e-motion DCA Launches Innovative Mobile Application CEEM for Coupon Aggregation in Saudi Arabia

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia – [1st of September,2023] – e-motion Digital Creations Agency (DCA), a leading force in digital innovations, proudly announces the launch of its newest mobile application, CEEM, in Saudi Arabia. Designed to optimize savings for consumers, CEEM aggregates an extensive range of coupons and discounts from various retailers into a single, user-friendly platform.

Innovative Features Designed for Enhanced User Experience

e-motion developed a comprehensive suite of features in Ceem platform,  that streamline the process of finding and utilizing discounts. The application ensures secure user authentication and customizable profiles, providing a tailored and secure shopping experience for every user. By aggregating an extensive range of coupons from various retailers into a single platform, CEEM makes it easy for users to access the best deals available. The application includes efficient search capabilities and advanced filtering options, allowing users to quickly locate specific deals by category, retailer, or potential savings.

To ensure users never miss out on savings, CEEM includes timely reminders and notifications about new coupons and expiring deals. It integrates directly with numerous coupon sites, ensuring a wide variety of offers are continuously available. The app's content is dynamically updated, keeping the deals fresh and relevant. With a responsive design, CEEM provides a consistent and smooth experience across all devices, whether mobile, tablet, or desktop.

Security is a priority; the application protects all user interactions with enhanced safety features, ensuring secure transactions. Additionally, CEEM includes a feedback and ratings system, allowing users to rate deals and provide feedback, which helps enhance the quality of services offered. The app also features comprehensive analytics and reporting tools that enable users to track their savings and spending habits effectively. 

Download App for Android: Ceem

Download App for iphone: Ceem

About e-motion Digital Creations Agency

e-motion Digital Creations Agency is a leader in providing innovative digital solutions and creative products that push the boundaries of technology and design. With a focus on user-centric experiences and cutting-edge applications, e-motion DCA is dedicated to transforming the digital landscape and enhancing business growth.